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Is technology too much?

As technology continues to take over our world, I'm beginning to think; is it all really worth it? I don't feel technology is built for people like me. I came to this realisation the other week, when I had a slight accident with my iPhone 5s - by accident, I mean phone sliding out of my pocket and into the loo accident. As soon as I heard that sickening 'clunk' and 'splash' into the depths of the toilet, I knew it could only be one thing - my beautiful golden iPhone 5s. I wasn't insured. I tried leaving it in rice. I tried getting it fixed. It was no use. I was so disappointed - not because I'd lost all of my contacts, but because in my eyes, it's the best phone you can get, and I'd only had it 8 months! The only way of getting my precious iPhone back was to pay another £630 for a new one...

But then I thought 'At the end of the day, it's just a phone.' - people managed to survive in the sixties without mobiles, and the sixties looked like a pretty amazing time to live (yes I'm thinking of Hairspray right now), so why can't we?! Now we all seem to think we need all these materialistic things to live a better life, when we don't realise how lucky we really are to just have a roof over our heads!

For now, I guess I'll have to stick with my old HTC Wildfire S (could be a lot worse I suppose)...

Another thing which has been bothering me about technology recently, is the fact my brother is now able to use an iPad in school for school work. Call me old-fashioned, but what is wrong with pen and paper? He is in year 7! I loved having handwriting sessions in primary school and trying to write as neat as possible in all my exercise books. Do you ever 'type' a birthday card (regardless of moonpig)? I know I wouldn't. If this is what our world is like now, what is it going to be like in 50 years time? I dread to think...

Anyway I hope this got you thinking...

Speak soon!




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