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Pastel Pink Perfection

Hey everyone!

So the other week I was scrolling through the Missguided website and found this beauty...

What can I say? It's got the faux fur lining, the silky suede fabric, and the pastel pink colour. It had my name written all over it, so of course, I had to buy it.

As soon as I opened the package when it arrived, I snuggled myself into the super soft fabric and genuinely felt like a teddy bear. I've already had so many compliments on this beautiful jacket and I've only worn it twice! I can already tell it's going to be my Autumn/Winter staple.

I was initially supposed to be looking for a practical coat for Winter, but given the option between practical or pastel? It's a no brainer ;)

Let's just hope it doesn't rain!

Pink Faux Shearling Coat - Missguided £49.99
Jumper - Topshop
Jeans - Zara

Skirt - Missguided £9.99
Shoes - Primark £12

Speak soon!




  1. Hi, I have nominate you for Liebster Award :)
    Have a Great Day^^


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