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I've Graduated!

Hello Everyone!

The past few months have been an absolute whirlwind of stress, tears, happiness and joy. I can hold my hands up and say that I have officially graduated from Newcastle University. I have finally had a chance to actually sit down and reflect on my time at Uni, and I honestly cannot believe that my three years are over... the saying is true that time flies when you're having fun.

Coming back to my post in September 2015 University? Yes... No... YES, I can now say that going to University was completely worth it. I cannot answer whether I think a degree is beneficial to my future as I am currently not applying for new jobs, however the whole University experience has been priceless and I would not change a thing. I'm also so happy that I didn't have a gap year before Uni. I feel so much more ready to travel now and have just got back from travelling around Thailand which was insane. Going to University when I did was definitely the best decision.


I know a fair few people who are starting Uni this year, and before I started, my sister gave me some tips of her own. I figured I'd share my own with you as going to University can seem like a really scary thought at first.

1) Be yourself

Don't change for anyone, if someone doesn't appear to like you for who you are, be that what you say, what you do or how you act, then they are not worth your time. You're gonna meet so many people in that first week of Uni. Be the best version of yourself and don't judge someone's Instagram before meeting them...

2) Believe in yourself

Even if you do cry in front of a whole seminar class because you thought your presentation went shit, you may surprise yourself. BELIEVE and you will achieve.

3) Choose your friends wisely

Make friends with those who are honest and you can trust, and the ones who hold your hair back when you're sick. Surround yourself with people who make you happy and love you for who you are. If you wanna be friends with someone, tell them. I made a friend from messaging someone asking if they owned a pair of roller skates. Life is too short to worry about being too out there or full on.

4) Do not regret anything

There is absolutely no point in regretting anything. All you can ever do is learn from mistakes, and everyone makes them so have no shame.

5) Work hard (but not too hard)

Uni is a bit like school and sixth form. There are people who are naturally so clever and bright who can literally get a first with their eyes closed. However, there are also the people who have to work really hard to scrape a 2.2. For me, I found Uni work so frustrating, unpredictable and difficult. I would find myself scraping thirds in multiple choice exams that I thought would be easy. I would come out of exams thinking that I absolutely smashed it and then find out I was one mark off failing. I failed an essay in first year because I didn't reference something right. It takes a while to get to grips with it, but first year is all about getting used to it, hence the magic 40% to pass, so don't panic!
On the other hand, in comparison to GCSE's and A levels, Uni really is a completely new and independent way of studying. If you're struggling, you really have to put yourself out there to get the support you need from lecturers because they're not gonna come to you.

6) Have fun

I cannot stress this one enough. You're only at Uni once (well most people are), so enjoy it.

Here is a picture of my in Ricky Road in first year. I look like a 5 year old drinking Frosties. Clearly, alcohol has aged me.
Here I am at the third year grad ball, a very special night.

Here is me on graduation day, the one time in your life you can dress like a wizard.

I'm going to miss living in the Uni bubble; the Jesmond house parties, the pranks, watching food grow into hairy animals in peculiar crevices in the house, and even the endless days in the Robinson library where half of it was spent either crying or gossiping. I'll miss the Digi nights, the unreal cheesy chips and garlic and the afters that never seemed to end. I'll miss the sleepovers, the constant blare of music echoing through the streets of Jesmond and the hungover walks to Tesco looking like an absolute munter. I'll miss the Christmas Dinners! I'll miss the people I saw in lectures every day who I know I will never meet up with. I miss the friends I lived and laughed with, from seeing them every day to now only a few times a year. I'll miss the Uni bubble, and continuously blaming drunken mistakes and bankruptcy on 'being a student'.

All good things come to an end, but as one door closes, another door opens. Here's to the next adventure!

If you are in doubt about going, I would say just go for it. Life is all about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, and at least if it's not your cuppa tea you can say you've tried it.

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed reading this post, I'd love to hear your thoughts about University!

Lots of love,



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