Hey Everyone! Before I begin this post, I would advise you to read my previous 'Learning to Drive: A Demoralizing Burden?' post to get an idea of how much of a 'demoralizing burden' that I thought driving really was. HOWEVER... After what has seemed like a very long roller coaster of a driving journey, I can finally say that I have passed my test, and it really is about blooming time too! Cheeky 'I've just passed my driving test' selfie with my lil' bro... Don't ask about the 'Despicable Me' keyrings... In fact, I tell a slight porky... I actually passed my driving test at the end of April... but driving around in lil' Pepper (mine and my sister's Peugeot 107) really has made me realise that it's when you've passed your test that you REALLY learn how to drive, therefore I thought I'd share my experiences with you all, Since being insured, I've had a couple of small bumps in the car which have scared t...